Beyond Organic shows great results in energy, sleep, endurance and more.   

Some People Unlimited members are working with Rod Csikany, of Beyond Organic to achieve a minimum of 5 year’s age reversal over a 6-month period, using biomarker lab tests, and other health baselines for comparison. The results will be presented at RAADfest 2017 in San Diego.

A month and a half into the Age Reversal Challenge, participants have completed baseline testing, and are already starting to reap the benefits of changes in diet, supplements and lifestyle, including increased energy, improved sleep, endurance performance gains, improvements in gut health and skin conditions.

“I’m really impressed with the People Unlimited members’ dedication to their health and longevity, and the fact that they are already making changes necessary for the better,” says Csikany, an accomplished wellness and longevity coach. “We’re getting ready to go to the next level.”

People Unlimited strongly encourages its members to pursue optimum health. However, it does not endorse or promote any specific product, modality or program. This is an independent program that members are participating in based on their own personal preference.

Directed by James Strole and Bernadeane, People Unlimited is an educational, lifestyle and social organization for people interested in radical life extension and physical immortality. For more information on People Unlimited events and initiatives, go to or call 480-949-4344.